MPS China
MPS employer profile

MPS employer profile

MPS employer profile

Want to work for MPS?

MPS currently employs around 20 highly skilled experts in China, and our international partnering networks comprises over 1500 professionals in management and human resources consulting. The will to develop and maintain our skills at the top of league are the basis of MPS's success. A relaxed working environment and equal opportunities help to ensure the wellbeing of our personnel.

At MPS we support the personal development of our employees by providing opportunities for further training and learning, both in-house and externally. Our organization also offers opportunities for career mobility to suit the individual's situation and needs. Personal professional development can also be supported by processes such as mentoring.

MPS invests in wellbeing

The wellbeing of our personnel and a good working environment are priorities at MPS. We develop occupational wellbeing through continuous assessment of managerial work and by coaching. We invest in the physical wellbeing of our personnel in many ways, for example, by providing Health Check and also by organizing sports and exercise events.

A good working environment is everyone's concern at MPS. We all work together to maintain and develop it, meeting for joint appraisal sessions every year. We also organize international meets where people have the chance to share experiences with colleagues from countries as far apart as Finland and Italy. Events of a more festive nature are sometimes in order, too.

MPS – an international player

MPS has a strong international perspective and it shows in our operations. We work together across borders, which offers an excellent opportunity to maintain and improve your language skills, and to learn about other cultures.

Would you like to join our highly skilled, continuously developing team?

Send in your application together with your resume.

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